For the last posts, we have been talking a lot about ways to determine the value of a policy (in other words, the expected return that an agent will experience when acting according to that policy). But what good is that? Sure, it’s nice to know if a policy is bad or not – which we call the prediction problem –, but what about actually finding good policies? This is referred to as the control problem, and to start talking about it, we need to define what it means to be optimal and how we can discover the optimal policy for an environment.

We will focus on the case where we know both the dynamics and the rewards of our environment. This makes the analysis easier and enables us to reach some interesting results.

What is “optimal”?

Let’s begin by formalizing the best expected return possible that we can achieve in an environment. This is nothing more than the optimal state-value function:

\[v_*(s) = \max_\pi v_\pi(s), \forall s\]

Another concept that will be useful in our analysis is that of the optimal action-value function. This is analogous to the state-value function, but instead we also pick the action, not only the state. The action-value function is defined as:

\[q_\pi(s, a) = \mathbb{E}_\pi[G_t | S_t = s, A_t = a]\\ = \mathbb{E}_\pi[R_{t+1} + \gamma v_\pi(S_{t+1}) | S_t = s, A_t = a]\]

And the optimal action-value function is:

\[q_*(s, a) = \max_\pi q_\pi(s, a)\]

There are also special forms of the Bellman equations for the optimal value functions (and only for the optimal ones), called the Bellman Optimality Equations. These are:

\[v_*(s) = \max_a \mathbb{E}[R_{t+1} + \gamma v_*(S_{t+1}) | S_t = s, A_t = a]\\ = \max_a q_*(s, a)\\ = \max_a \sum_{s'} p(s' | s, a) [r + \gamma v_*(s')]\]


\[q_*(s, a) = \mathbb{E}[R_{t+1} + \gamma \max_{a'} q_*(S_{t+1}, a') | S_t = s, A_t = a]\\ = \mathbb{E}[R_{t+1} + \gamma v_*(S_{t+1})]\\ = \sum_{s'} p(s'|s,a)[r + \gamma v_*(s')]\]

How do we get there?

First step: Exact Policy Evaluation

Remember the definition of state-value function for a given policy:

Definition 1: State-Value function

\[v_\pi(s) = \mathbb{E}_\pi[G_t | S_t = s] = \mathbb{E}_\pi[R_{t+1} + \gamma v_\pi(S_{t+1}) | S_t = s]\\ = \sum_{a} \pi(a | s) \sum_{s'} p(s'|s, a) [r + \gamma v_\pi(s')]\]

This is a fact. The true value function for a policy respects this equation, the left side can be rewritten as the right side. This is important, very important! If we know the full dynamics of the system, this definition of state value function is a linear system! It has as many equations as the number of states, and just as many variables. In practice, we’ll solve this by turning the above definition into an update rule, or an operator if you’re more comfortable with that:

\[v_\pi^{t+1}(s) = \sum_{a} \pi(a | s) \sum_{s'} p(s' | s,a) [r + \gamma v_\pi^{t}(s')]\]

Or, using operator notation, we have:

\[T^\pi v(s) = \sum_{a} \pi(a|s) \sum_{s'} p(s'|s,a) [r + \gamma v(s')]\\ v_\pi^{t+1} = T^\pi v_\pi^{t}\]

The true value function is then a fixed point of the operator (and of the equation) defined above, because it’s the only case in which we’ll have equality of \(v_\pi^{t+1}\) and \(v_\pi^t\).

Bottom line: we have a very simple way to do policy evaluation under known dynamics. The methods explored in this blog before this post (TD(0), Monte Carlo…) are ways of doing this without knowing the full dynamics of the environment.

Second step: Policy Improvement

Knowing how to evaluate a policy allows us to make it better. We can do that because of a result called the policy improvement theorem.

Suppose we have a new policy \(\pi’\) such that \(\pi’(s) \neq \pi(s)\). Now assume that we choose a single action according to \(\pi’\) and follow \(\pi\) for the rest of the episode. If doing this leads to a better outcome, then we might expect that the new behavior upon seeing state \(s\) is one that we should take for every occurrence of \(s\).

Formally, if the new policy \(\pi’\) satisfies \(q_\pi(s, \pi’(s)) \geq v_\pi(s) \forall s\), then we have that \(v_{\pi’}(s) \geq v_\pi(s) \forall s\), and policy \(\pi’\) is an improvement over \(\pi\).

Now suppose we build a new policy in the following way:

\[\pi'(s) = \text{argmax}_a q_\pi(s, a)\\ = \text{argmax}_a \sum_{s'} p(s'|s,a) [r + \gamma v_\pi(s')]\]

This is called a greedy policy. It aims to maximize immediate expected gain. In decent wording, this means it looks ahead one step into the future and picks the action that gives it the biggest expected (weighted average) return.

Notice that a greedy policy \(\pi\) can be looked at from two perspectives: it is a function that maps a state to an action \(\pi(s) = a\) but also a probability distribution over actions that focuses all of its mass on a single action \(\pi(a|s) = 1\), if \(a\) is the greedy action, and \(0\) otherwise.

The new policy satisfies the policy improvement theorem by definition, and so is an improvement on the old policy. When the value of the new policy is not an improvement for at least one state, we are guaranteed to have found the optimal deterministic policy. This might give you a hint on what we’re about to do to reach the optimal policy.

Third step: Value Iteration

Let’s not focus on the name of the technique now, but instead look at the bigger picture. We have a way of precisely evaluating the value of a policy. And given the value of a policy, we have a way of improving the policy. Okay then, let’s just do that over and over again: evaluate, improve, evaluate, improve, evaluate, improve…

Listing 1: Policy Iteration Algorithm

policy_stable = False
while not policy_stable:
  old_policy = copy(policy)
  state_values = evaluate(policy, environment_dynamics)
  new_policy = greedy_policy_with_respect_to(state_values)
  if new_policy == old_policy:
    policy_stable = True
  policy = new_policy

The evaluation step (line 4) follows what is described in “First step”, iteratively applying the \(T^\pi\) operator to the value function until it converges.

I wanted to keep the code at a very, very high level there, because we won’t do that in practice, but the idea is still important.

You might notice that I (well, the people who created this, in fact) called this Policy Iteration, not Value Iteration as is the name of the section. That’s because we can improve it, and the improvement has a different, but equally cute name. (hint hint: it’s Value Iteration)

Notice that we need to evaluate the policy until convergence of the state values, only to throw it away one line later. That seems like a waste of time, and we don’t like wasting time! We can do better. Much better. In fact, it is known that you only need to apply the \(T^\pi\) operator once, improving the state value estimates, but without caring to let them fully converge. We can then derive a new policy from these non-converged values by acting greedily towards them.

Being formal, what we’ll do is:

\[\hat{v}_0(s) = 0\\ \pi^0(s) = \text{argmax}_a \sum_{s'} p(s'|s,a) [r + \gamma \hat{v}_0(s')]\\ \hat{v}_{1}(s) = \sum_{a} \pi^0(a | s) \sum_{s'} p(s' | s,a) [r + \gamma \hat{v}_0(s')]\\ \pi^1(s) = \text{argmax}_a \sum_{s'} p(s'|s, a) [r + \gamma \hat{v}_1(s')]\\ \hat{v}_2(s) = \sum_{a} \pi^1(a | s) \sum_{s'} p(s'|s,a)[r+\gamma \hat{v}_1(s')]\\\]

But here’s the thing… the generated policies are all greedy. With this in hand, we can rewrite the equation that determines \(\hat{v}_{k}(s)\). Let’s start:

\[\hat{v}_{1}(s) = \sum_{a} \pi^0(a | s) \sum_{s'} p(s' | s,a) [r + \gamma \hat{v}_0(s')]\\\]

But since the policy is greedy, this collapses to only one action (because the others have probability zero). And not only that, since the argmax is taken over the expression that appears in the summand above, we have that the only action that matters is the one that maximizes the expression. Therefore, the new value for state \(s\) is nothing but the \(\max\) value among the actions, with respect to the previous approximation of the value function.

\[= \max_a \sum_{s'} p(s' | s, a) [r + \gamma \hat{v}_0(s')]\]

Now we’re left with a simple and elegant iteration scheme for the value function (hence the name, Value Iteration):

\[\hat{v}_{k+1} (s) = \max_a \sum_{s'} p(s' | s, a) [r + \gamma \hat{v}_k(s')]\]

Using operator notation, again, we have a form of the Bellman operator, in this case called \(T^*\) (note that this is nothing but transforming the Bellman optimality equation described in the beginning of this text into an update rule):

\[(T^* v)(s) = \max_a \sum_{s'} p(s' | s, a) [r + \gamma v(s')]\\ v_{k+1}(s) = T^* v_k(s)\]

Applying this Bellman operator to our value function estimate over and over again will inevitably lead us to the true, optimal value function for this environment. Since we know the dynamics of the system, we can then derive the optimal policy from this value function.

And this is how we solve MDPs for which we completely know the dynamics. Now for some extras!


Exact general value function using Linear Algebra

Assume we construct the matrices/vectors as follows:

\[\mathcal{R} = \begin{bmatrix} R(s_1) \\ R(s_2) \\ \vdots \\ R(s_n) \end{bmatrix}\\ \mathcal{P}_{i, j} = \sum_{a} \pi(a |s_i) p(s_j | s_i, a)\\\]

Then we can solve exactly for a given policy’s value function starting from a Bellman equation in matrix notation (note that this is nothing but a rewriting of the \(T^\pi\) operator):

\[V_\pi = \mathcal{R} + \gamma \mathcal{P} V_\pi\\ V_\pi - \gamma \mathcal{P} V_\pi = \mathcal{R}\\ (I - \gamma \mathcal{P}) V_\pi = \mathcal{R}\\ V_\pi = (I - \gamma \mathcal{P})^{-1} \mathcal{R}\]

Which is a linear system of \(n\) equations in \(n\) variables. Plug in a solver, and be happy. In fact we usually prefer to use iterative methods like repeated application of the \(T^\pi\) operator insted of going through the hassle of inverting a matrix.

Convergence speed of the Bellman operator

It can be shown that the Bellman operator \(T^*\) is a contraction mapping in the space of value functions. What this means is:

\[\lVert T^* V_1 - T^* V_2 \rVert \leq \gamma \lVert V_1 - V_2 \rVert\]

But we also have that applying the \( T^* \) operator to the optimal value function does not change it (it’s a fixed point of the operator). Therefore \( (T^* )^{n} {V}^* = T^* V^* = V^* \).

So, applying the Bellman operator once to any value function estimate reduces its distance to the optimal value function by a multiplicative factor of \(\gamma\). Repeated application of this operator gives us:

\[\lVert (T^*)^n V - V^* \rVert = \lVert T^* ((T^*)^{n-1} V) - T^* ((T^*)^{n-1} V^*) \rVert \\ \leq \gamma^1 \lVert (T^*)^{n-1} V - (T^*)^{n-1} V^* \rVert \leq \dots \\ \leq \gamma^n \lVert V - V^* \rVert\]

So the error between our initial estimate and the optimal value function decreases exponentially fast with successive applications of the Bellman operator.

Deriving the optimal policy

From the optimal state-values, under known dynamics, the process of coming up with the corresponding optimal policy is immediate, but I’ll mention it here for completeness. It is formed in the following way:

\[\pi(s) = \text{argmax}_a \sum_{s'} p(s' | s, a) [r + \gamma V^*(s')]\]


We covered a lot of ground on a very important subject in this post. Here are the main highlights:

  • The notion of optimal policies and optimal state- and action-value functions;
  • Exact policy evaluation by the successive application of a Bellman operator;
  • Policy improvement by acting greedily with respect to a value function;
  • Interleaving these two operations to reach the optimal value function (and as a consequence, the optimal policy);
  • Improving that algorithm so that we can have the optimal policy faster, which in turn gives us a very nifty update rule for the state-value estimates;
  • And two asides on the speed of convergence of this technique, and on a different perspective on the problem.


  • David Silver’s course (here)
  • The RL Book (for which we now have the full draft!): here, Chapters 3-4.