Reinforcement Learning: Eligibility Traces and TD(lambda)
In the last post of this series, we talked about temporal difference methods. These allow us to learn online – at the same time we interact with an environment – and are based on the notion of bootstrapping. This means that we use our current approximation for the value of a state (which might be wrong) to update our estimated value for another state.
Everything goes well as long as all of the approximations get better with time. This method is called TD(0), and is biased, while having reduced variance. A Monte-Carlo estimation method is not biased, but has a lot of variance since it uses the outcome of a complete episode to perform an update. The variance comes from the fact that, at each interaction, there’s randomness involved in picking an action – in the case of a stochastic policy – and in the fact that the environment’s dynamics are also random (remember, we have a distribution over the possible next states, that depends on the current state and the action taken).
One problem with TD(0) is that it uses information from only one step to perform an update. Typically, the action that caused a reward to be seen might have happened several timesteps in the past. This means that using only the most recent information can lead to slow convergence.
To solve this problem, we might think that using more than one step to perform an update is enough. But then the following question rises: how do we pick the number of steps to use? Instead of doing that, we’ll instead employ a mathematical trick to use all relevant timesteps, weighted by a factor that reflects the chance that said timestep caused us to see the reward we’re seeing. These methods are called TD(\(\lambda\)) methods.
This can be mathematically heavy, so let’s put some context here.
We’re still (sorry) trying to learn a way to estimate \(v_\pi(s)\). In the last post we saw the notion of targets, which are values towards which we shift our estimate by a small amount. For example, the TD(0) target is \(r_{t+1} + \gamma \hat{v_\pi}(s_{t+1})\) and \(\delta_t = r_{t+1} + \gamma \hat{v_\pi}(s_{t+1}) - \hat{v_\pi}(s_t)\) is called the TD(0) error.
Let’s build up the intuition for TD(\(\lambda\)) by expanding the TD(0) error. For this, we’ll talk about the n-step returns of a trajectory. The \(n = 1\) return is the TD(0) target.
\[n = 1 \rightarrow G_t^{(1)} = r_{t+1} + \gamma \hat{v_\pi}(s_{t+1}) \\ n = 2 \rightarrow G_t^{(2)} = r_{t+1} + \gamma r_{t+2} + \gamma^2 \hat{v_\pi}(s_{t+2}) \\ \vdots \\ \forall n \rightarrow G_t^{(n)} = r_{t+1} + \gamma r_{t+2} + \dots + \gamma^{n-1} r_{t+n} + \gamma^n \hat{v_\pi}(s_{t+n})\]So, in order to perform n-step TD-learning, we can replace the TD(0) target, which is the 1-step return, with the n-step return! Our update for the state-value function becomes:
\[\hat{v_\pi}(s_t) \gets \hat{v_\pi}(s_t) + \alpha (G_t^{(n)} - \hat{v_\pi}(s_t))\]Avoiding the problem…
Picking \(n\) can be tough, and most certainly won’t generalize to different environments, so let’s find a way to avoid picking \(n\) altogether! We’ll do this by picking all different values of \(n\) at once. How? Bear with me:
The intuition is to average all of the possible n-step returns into a single return. If we average these values in a smart way, we can do it super quick and still have something that intuitively makes sense.
We’ll weight the n-step return \(G_t^{(n)}\) using a weight that that decays exponentially with time. This is done by introducing a factor \(\lambda \in [0, 1]\) and weighting the nth return with \(\lambda^{n-1}\). Since we want all of these weights to sum to one (to have a weighted average), we need to normalize them. The normalization constant is easy to derive:
\[\sum_{n=1}^\infty \lambda^{n-1} = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \lambda^n = \frac{1}{1 - \lambda}\]Therefore, the normalization constant we’re looking for is \((1-\lambda)\). This gives rise to the definition of the \(\lambda\)-return: \[ G_t^\lambda = (1 - \lambda) \sum_{n=1}^\infty \lambda^{n-1} G_t^{(n)} \]
This graph shows the value of \((1-\lambda) \lambda^{n}\) for different values
of \(n\). We can see how different values of lambda affect the initial value of a return
and the way this value decays over time. Bigger values of lambda lead to slower decay
(information from the past is given a non-negligible importance).
… by introducing a new problem
Now we can use the lambda-return as target for our state-value function updates. But wait a second… the lambda-return involves all of the possible n-step returns and, as a consequence, involves information from every time step of our trajectory. We’re back to episodic updates: we need to wait for a trajectory to be completed, and then we will be able to calculate every possible n-step return and combine them using the lambda-weighted average. (for completeness, the flavor of TD(lambda) we saw above is called the forward view)
So far it seems like we’ve accomplished very little, if anything at all. But never fear! We did not introduce this lambda weighting scheme just because it’s pretty. In fact, it will allow us to use a trick that enables online updates while being virtually equivalent to the intuition we derived above. To do this, we’ll use something called an eligibility trace.
Eligibility traces and who the hell is to blame for this reward
We’re now going to switch to the backward view of TD(lambda). The name gives us a hint on how it works: instead of waiting for what is going to happen next to be able to perform an update, we will remember what happened in the past and use current information to update the state-values for every state we’ve seen so far.
To do that, we’ll employ eligibility traces, a nifty idea that allows us to do just that. An eligibility trace is defined as:
\[e_0(s) \gets 0 \quad \forall s \in \mathcal{S} \\ e_{t}(s) \gets \lambda \gamma e_{t-1}(s) + \mathbf{I}(S_t = s)\quad \forall s \in \mathcal{S}\]where \(\mathbf{I}\) is the indicator function, which is equals to 1 when the condition inside it is true and 0 otherwise.
This eligibility trace will be used as a scaling factor for the TD error. So, for example, if we’re interacting with the environment and see a reward \(r_{t+1}\), our update to the state-value function will be:
\[\delta_t = r_{t+1} + \gamma \hat{v_\pi}(s_{t+1}) - \hat{v_\pi}(s_t) \\ \hat{v_\pi}(s) \gets \hat{v_\pi}(s) + \alpha \delta_t e_t(s) \quad \forall s \in \mathcal{S}\]Ok, there’s a lot to explain here:
- The eligibility traces combine two things: both how frequent and how recent a state is. This implies that we must update our state-value function estimates for every state at each time step. States that are not visited or haven’t been visited in a while will have an eligibility value equals or close to zero (resp.), which means that our estimate for those states won’t change (much) – and this is exactly what we want.
- We now use the eligibility value as a scaling factor for a TD(0) error. The trick here is hidden in the fact that every state is updated at once. In other words: we propagate current error information into the states we visited in the past. This allows us to combine the n-step returns in an online fashion.
- This formulation of the eligibility trace is called an accumulating eligibility trace. An alternative to it is to use a replacing eligibility trace that, instead of summing 1 to the eligibility when visiting a state, resets the eligibility back to 1.
How does this look in code?
Using a vector to keep the eligibility of each state, and taking advantage of numpy’s vectorized operations, the code is quite simple. We’re assuming there is already a variable that represents the step length (alpha).
Algorithm 1: TD(\(\lambda\)) - estimating state-value function with eligibility traces.
import numpy as np
state_values = np.zeros(n_states) # initial guess = 0 value
eligibility = np.zeros(n_states)
lamb = 0.95 # the lambda weighting factor
state = env.reset() # start the environment, get the initial state
# Run the algorithm for some episodes
for t in range(n_steps):
# act according to policy
action = policy(state)
new_state, reward, done = env.step(action)
# Update eligibilities
eligibility *= lamb * gamma
eligibility[state] += 1.0
# get the td-error and update every state's value estimate
# according to their eligibilities.
td_error = reward + gamma * state_values[new_state] - state_values[state]
state_values = state_values + alpha * td_error * eligibility
if done:
state = env.reset()
state = new_state
Wrapping up
I could go on and on and prove why the backward view of TD(\(\lambda\)) is equivalent to the forward view – and maybe I’ll do it in the future – but I don’t want to overextend this post. The key takeaways are:
- There are ways to use information from every time step to perform state-value updates that do not necessarily involve waiting until the end of an episode.
- One such way is to use the backward view of TD(\(\lambda\)), which involves eligibility traces.
- Eligibility traces are ways to keep a history of what happened in the past and how the states we’ve visited affected the reward we’re seeing. It allows us to update multiple state-value function estimates at once, in a way that is weighted by recency and frequency.
- There is a different type of eligibility trace called a replacing eligibility trace, which does not sum one, but instead sets the eligibility back to one when a state is visited.
- This is still a Temporal Difference method. It is still biased because of the bootstrapping. It should intuitively have less variance than a Monte Carlo method because of the averaging of low-variance information, but I have no theory to back up this claim.
- Again, David Silver’s class on TD(\(\lambda\)) (link here)