This is the second post of a series I’m writing on Reinforcement Learning, giving an overview on the subject and trying to stay away from overwhelming formalities. This way, hopefully, you can better understand concepts as explained in Sutton & Barto’s book, for example.

In this post, I’ll be talking about something called policy evaluation. In the context of Reinforcement Learning, evaluating a policy means that we want to know how good a certain behavior is in a given environment. But first, let’s remember what we got ourselves into:

Let’s recap!

Reinforcement learning is the field that studies how to learn behavior while only receiving (probably delayed) reward information from the environment. This problem is very different from traditional Machine Learning scenarios.

In the last post we saw some examples of problems that can be solved using RL and some of the theory that is behind the setting. We also talked about the credit assignment problem, which consists of determining which actions caused us to receive a reward from the environment.

Before we dive into policy evaluation, we need to build some concepts concerning our notion of “performing well” in an environment. Namely, we need a more formal definition of the Markov Decision Process, of a policy function and also of the goal our agent will be pursuing.

Defining a concrete goal

Throughout our agent’s interaction with the environment, it will see a sequence of states, take actions and receive rewards. If we have an environment with the notion of termination, every time we reach a terminal state, we say that an episode has ended. Our trajectory in this episode is usually represented as \(\tau = \left\langle s_0, a_0, r_1, s_1, a_1, r_2, \dots, a_{T-1}, r_T \right\rangle\).

In the context of trajectories, I will use capitalized letters to denote random variables, and non-capitalized letters to represent concrete values they take. Also, it is common to index the trajectory using the variable \(t\), that represents time.

Agent-environment interaction

The fact that we index the rewards on the next time step represents that we have already interacted with the environment, so we consider that the reward we see is already a part of the “next step”.

Looking at our trajectory, we can choose to maximize different goals. Two central examples of those are:

  • Average return: \(\frac{1}{T} \sum_{i=1}^{T} R_i\) – the average of the rewards obtained from the start to the end of the episode.
  • Discounted return: \(G_t = \sum_{i=0}^T \gamma^{i} R_{t+i+1}\), where \(\gamma \in [0, 1]\) – the sum of the rewards obtained from the start to the end of the episode, using a geometric decay factor.

Important note: return and reward are different terms. Reward is used referring to the instantaneous signal we receive from the environment, while the return is typically a more global measure over a trajectory. Also, the discounted return is indexed by \(t\), the time variable, because it makes sense for us to speak about the discounted return starting at time \(t\).

The \(\gamma\) decay factor controls how much we value immediate rewards over future rewards. For example, if we set \(\gamma=0\), our agent will only value immediate rewards, without planning for the future. Also, it’s worth nothing that we can set \(\gamma = 1\), but then the MDP needs to respect some properties to ensure that the return will always be finite.

We are going to focus on the discounted return, which values immediate reward more strongly than late rewards. This can be related to the concepts in finance, for example, where immediate gain is often more valuable than average gain. Also, the fact that we have this factor of \(\gamma\) multiplying the instantaneous reward lets us treat infinite-horizon problems as if they were finite. That happens because \[ \sum_{i=0}^{\infty} \gamma^i = \frac{1}{1-\gamma} \quad ,\gamma \in [0,1] \]

So, we will say that our agent behaves well if its policy maximizes the expected discounted return \(G_t\)

Some more details…

Markov Decision Processes, revisited

To be able to write some of the equations I need to show you, we need to better specify two things in our MDP: how we change states and how we get rewarded.

An MDP possesses two devices to do just that:

  • A transition probability function \(\mathcal{P}_{a}^{s,s’} = \mathbb{P}(S’=s’ | S=s, A=a)\) . In words, it’s the probability of reaching state \(s’\) after taking action \(a\) in state \(s\).
  • A reward function \(\mathcal{R}_{a}^{s}\) which is the reward we get for taking action \(a\) in state \(s\).


A policy is a function (deterministic or not) that tells us the action to take (or a distribution over actions) for each state. We’ll often see something like: \[ a \sim \pi(\cdot | s) \quad ; \quad \pi(a|s) = \mathbb{P}(A_t = a\, | \,S_t = s) \] Which means that the action we pick at state \(s\) is drawn from a probability distribution determined by that state. If the policy is deterministic, we may write \(a = \pi(s)\). Also, it is supposed to be stationary (i.e. it doesn’t change over time).

It makes sense, then, to relate rewards to states and actions. This is done through two functions: the state-value function and the action-value function. The only one that matters to us now is the state-value function, the action-value will show its worth when we attack the planning problem.

The State-Value function \(v_\pi\)

The aim of the state value function is to tell us what is our expected discounted return starting from a given state \(s\) and following the policy \(\pi\) from there onwards. And that’s, in essence, all it is: an expectation (a weighted average) over what can happen given that we follow the behavior defined by \(\pi\) when interacting with the environment. In math:

\[v_\pi(s) = \mathbb{E}_\pi \left[ G_t \,| S_t = s \right] = \mathbb{E}_\pi \left[ R_t + \gamma R_{t+1} + \gamma^2 R_{t+2} +\dots | S_t = s \right]\]

This can also be expressed recursively as:

\[v_\pi(s) = \mathbb{E}_\pi \left[ R_t + \gamma (R_{t+1} + \gamma R_{t+2} + \dots) | S_t = s \right] = \mathbb{E}_\pi \left[ R_t + \gamma v_\pi(S_{t+1})\right | S_t = s] \\ = \sum_{a} \pi(a | s) \left(\mathcal{R}_a^s + \gamma \sum_{s'} \mathcal{P}_a^{s, s'} v_\pi(s') \right)\]

This tutorial should not confuse you with math. What this equation is saying is: “the overall value of a state is a weighted average of the immediate reward we’ll get from taking each action, plus the discounted average value of the states we might end up in”. Take a deep breath. Read it again.

It’s basically just a big average. Considering every possible outcome (every action, every next state) and using their probabilities to weight their values. It’s recursive (defined in terms of itself), and while that might seem confusing, it’s actually very helpful (we’ll see why in the next post).

How well are we behaving?

Remember: the problem at hand is estimating how well a given policy makes us behave in an environment. One way of looking at this is to say that we want to know the state-value function for a given policy. In other words, for any given state, we want to know the expected return we’ll have if we follow a policy \(\pi\).

While I could talk (and you should probably read) about methods that are used when we know the underlying MDP to our environment, Reinforcement Learning typically occurs in scenarios where we don’t. Let’s try to build an intuition on how to do it using only the agent’s experience.

Monte-Carlo Method for State-Value Function

Monte Carlo Methods have one central idea: sampling. When we don’t know a quantity, we try to sample it and estimate it using an average, for example. In our case, we want to know the state-value function for a policy. That means we should sample this function many times and approximate its value using its average (since the function is an expectation).

But what does it mean to sample the state-value function? In fact, what we will do is sample many trajectories in an environment, calculate the reward we get from each state and accumulate these values using an average.

As for many things in Computer Science, this is a good idea to start with, but what we implement in practice will be different. Instead of using an average, which in theory would keep all the information from the past, we will actually use something a bit different. Let me put some code here:

Algorithm 1: Every-Visit Monte Carlo State-Value Approximation

state_values = [0.0 for _ in range(n_states)] # initial guess = 0 value

# We run this algorithm for a given number of episodes
for episode in range(number_episodes):
  # we get the trajectory from the episode. we only care
  # about the states we've seen and the rewards we've got.
  # `policy` is a function or a table that tells us how to
  # behave in each state, not shown here.
  states, rewards = run_episode(policy)
  for i, state in enumerate(states):
    # calculate G_t using the gamma discounts
    value = get_discounted_return(rewards[i:])
    # shift our current estimate a little bit towards
    # the value we got from the last simulation
    state_values[state] += alpha * (value - state_values[state])

This should be in line with what you were expecting from code that does what I described in the post so far. Except for the last line. That’s where our average should have been, but it’s not. While we can calculate an average incrementally, there comes a point where the next value we’re adding to it has almost no influence (think of the case where we have 1 million values and add another one to an average).

Using this alpha value, which is between zero and one, we can think of that last line in the following way:

We have a sample from the value function in the value variable. This can be considered as a “noisy truth”. What we do is shift our current prediction by a small amount alpha in the direction of the “true” value (the one we sampled). That way, if we gradually reduce alpha, our estimate will converge to the true state-value function. Also, later when we will be doing planning, having this type of “shifting by alpha” behavior will allow us to forget the distant past, which means we can adapt to new behavior we find while exploring the environment.


This was a long post (I apologize) with some math (I apologize some more, but I swear it was needed) and some code. No apologies for the code. We covered just a part of policy evaluation techniques, and the next post will be dedicated to what we call temporal difference methods (namely, TD(0) and TD\((\lambda)\)).

Important concepts

  • Transition probability function, reward function: express how the environment behaves, including its uncertainty, and how we are rewarded.
  • Discounted return: our agent’s goal is to maximize the expected value of this variable. It can give higher value to immediate rewards.
  • The state-value function: a policy’s expected discounted return, given a starting state.
  • Monte Carlo algorithm: sampling trajectories and refining estimates.

Reducing alpha

In order for this algorithm to converge, we need to reduce the value of alpha. We can’t reduce it too fast, because we would fall short of the correct value function. We can’t reduce it too slowly, because it may make us diverge. How do we pick alpha, you ask? Well, in theory, any sequence of alphas that follow these rules will work:

\[ \sum_{t=0}^\infty \alpha_t = \infty \, ; \, \sum_{t=0}^\infty \alpha_t^2 < \infty \]

One sequence of alphas that respects these conditions is, for example, \(\alpha_t = 1/t\).


  • Lectures 2-3 of David Silver’s course (here and here)